Intentional Living

L’Bri Pure N’ Natural Product Review

I have been on a difficult journey for many years.

This journey started about 7 years ago. After the loss of my first baby (due to miscarriage), I did a ton of research to make sure I was healthy enough to conceive, and carry, another baby. During my time of research, I learned how harmful our beauty products truly are for our skin and our body. We use beauty and skincare products in hopes to improve our skin, yet, at the same time, we are also absorbing harmful toxins. Those toxins are linked to cancer, infertility, and so much more.

This post isn’t really about teaching you the harmful effects of beauty products. There is a ton of information you can find on the internet about that topic. Instead, this is a post giving my honest review of L’Bri Pure N’ Natural Beauty Products. Throughout this journey, it has been extremely difficult to find products that have good ingredients AND are of high quality. Often, I will find products that have great ingredients but don’t work. Or products that have good ingredients, that work well, but smell awful. It has been a struggle, to say the least. I am always open to learning more about new products and testing them out. So when a friend of mine shared her love for L’Bri Pure N’ Natural products I knew I had to try them!

This friend loved the products so much she decided to become one of their representatives. She educated herself about all of their products and learned the best way to apply each of them. She was able to provide me with samples of many of the products. I took the challenge to learn more as well and to try them for myself. Below you will find my honest review of each item I tried.

Personal Review

Overall, I thought all of the products worked GREAT! They worked well and did exactly what you would expect them to do. However, there were certain things I appreciated more about specific items and things I didn’t care for in others. Each item is individually mentioned to share my specific opinions on each item.

(Photos provided by L’Bri Pur N’ Natural and Tierney Dubi)

The body wash was my FAVORITE product!

Pro: This made my skin feel super soft & moisturized. I even shaved with it and it worked wonderfully! I didn’t even have to apply lotion when I got out of the shower.

Con: I didn’t care for the cucumber scent. I think I would like the citrus or white tea scent best.

Pro: This baby lotion made my girls’ skin feel super soft!

Con: I loved the initial scent but didn’t care for the smell after it was on their skin.

With this 3-Step Facial Cleansing Process you get to customize to your personal skin type!

I ended up choosing the oil free moisturizer for my skin. It worked great AND it lasts awhile!

I normally don’t use a skin cleansing/moisturizing system so this was a treat to try.

Pros: Worked great! Made my skin super soft. I liked the white tea & cedarwood oil scent the best.

Cons: I don’t care for a couple of the ingredients.

-Specifically, I do not use products with cyclomethicone in them. This ingredient is a derivative of silicone and has been linked to effecting the female reproductive system, more specifically, the ovaries. According to some research studies I read about this ingredient, it is supposed to be safe in beauty products if used in low quantities because our bodies can’t absorb enough to have adverse effects. However, it is banned in certain products in Europe and has been proven to be harmful to the environment. (Links below)

There are two options on the Hair Repair Masque. 1. You can use similar to a regular conditioner. 2. You can do a “long term” hair repair treatment to help heal broken hair. Due to Mom Life and not having a ton of time to do the long treatment, I chose to do the short treatment. I thought it worked well and it left my hair silky smooth. I have naturally wavy hair and use a flat iron frequently. I believe this product would be helpful in repairing my hair long term.

OVERALL, I did enjoy the L’Bri products. The products worked well and the company appears to provide consumers with high-quality products with good ingredients. Even though I was upset to see a few ingredients that, in my opinion, are “iffy” or “controversial” ingredients in some of their products, I do believe these products are primarily safe to use and are a much better option than the vast majority of beauty products on the market today. Even with some of those ingredients, I still believe the majority of L’Bri products would receive a low rating from the EWG Rating System (if you follow along with that system). You can learn more about EWG HERE.

L’Bri also has a great product specialist that you can call to talk more about individual ingredients. They are knowledgeable about the ingredients in each product and the quantity amounts used in each. So if you have any questions at all feel free to call a representative like my friend Tierney OR you can call the company directly.

I want to thank Tierney for educating me about L’Bri products and for allowing me to try them for myself. I am thankful to have other people in my life who understand the importance of using natural beauty products. I believe this is something all people, especially women, should take the time to learn more about. We need to learn how beauty and skincare products directly, and indirectly, affect our bodies so we can live healthier lives.

Get FREE Samples for yourself!

If you would like to try L’Bri products for FREE (just pay shipping) you can request a sample kit HERE!

If you would like to learn more about L’Bri Products and all of the products they offer, you can search their website HERE.

Also, feel free to follow along with Tierney on her Facebook Page HERE. She shares creative ways to use L’Bri products and how to make your products last longer. She is also open for you to message her with any questions you may have about L’Bri.

Links to articles about controversial ingredients mentioned:

**This blog post is an honest review of my experience with L’Bri Pure N’ Natural Beauty Products. I was not sponsored by this company nor compensated for writing this article.**

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