Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a blessing to all.
December 15th, 2020 marks the day that Ocala, Florida unveiled the very first Safe Haven Baby box in Florida. This is a great move forward to help prevent the death of sweet innocent newborns.
What is a Safe Haven Baby Box?

The Baby Box is a safe place for someone to place a newborn, anonymously, when they need to abandon their baby. Currently, under Florida’s Safe Haven Law, someone can place a baby inside of the box within 7 days of giving birth. This is an electronic device with climate control capabilities. Once a baby is placed within the box, firefighters will immediately retrieve the baby. The baby will then receive immediate medical attention and will then soon be placed with an adoptive family.
Monica Kelsey, the founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, is working hard to change the Safe Haven Law in Florida. Monica, and several Florida legislators, would like to see the 7-day time frame moved to a 30-day time frame to allow more time for a mother to make her decision and gain access to a Safe Haven location. She would also like to see additional boxes placed throughout the state of Florida.
Watch the Florida Unveiling Ceremony to Learn More
In this video, you will see the unveiling ceremony of Florida’s very first Safe Haven Baby Box! Listen to state representatives, legislators, and city officials talk about the importance of this box. Most importantly, you will hear the story of Monica Kelsey, the founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes. Her story will inspire you and encourage you to turn bad or difficult situations into serving others and being an asset to your community.
To learn more about Safe Haven Boxes and Monica Kelsey’s story please visit their website HERE.
If you are a mother thinking about abandoning your baby, please reach out to this wonderful organization. You can learn more about the services they provide here on their website: You can also contact their 24/7 Hotline here: 1-866-99BABY1
This Florida box is located at 505 NW MLK Jr. Ave., Ocala, FL 34475